
Roto Sugar Industry Pumps

The process of sugar production is extremely challenging as it involves difficult fluids and complex applications. Different kinds of industrial pumps are used throughout the process of production of sugar that includes a number of steps- extracting the pulp-laden juice from sugar cane or sugar beet, condensing and converting it to molasses, and then finally treating it with a hot water stream to extract sugar.

Among the wide range of industrial pumps manufactured by Roto, the pumps that are commonly used for the Sugar Industry are Standard Progressive Cavity Pumps, Wide Throat PC Pumps, Gear Pumps, and RJ Dosing Pumps. These pumps can efficiently handle difficult fluids such as flocculants, massecuite, syrup melt, and molasses at different stages during the Cane-Sugar Production Process and Beet Root-Sugar Production Process.

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